Moses Mbadi
2 min readJul 1, 2021


Thursday Thoughts.

There’s the case of Harambe, a 17 yo gorilla that was at the Cincinnati zoo, in a 12 feet enclosure. A 3 yo kid climbed into the enclosure which had some water in it and the gorilla sort of ‘toyed’ around with the little kid. Watch video here . Fearing for the kid’s life a zoo worker shot and killed Harambe.

Now, I am someone who immensely loves animals, I mean if I had a loaf of bread and hungry af, and there was a dog looking at me, I would break the bread in half and share it. Again, on the other hand, if my daughter fell into a Gorilla’s enclosure and I feel she is threatened, maybe I would react the same way the zoo worker reacted. That being said, I can’t stop and wonder, as human beings, at what point do/should we consider one life more important than the other. At what point should we consider buying your kid a Ksh10,000 dress and pass a starving street kid on the way into the boutique without doing anything a noble act? As an agnostic, I view the world differently, which other people call nonconformity. Growing up in a religious family there’s this feeling of entitlement, of being a special and superior race that we get indoctrinated into, but really, is that the case? Are we really special?

That’s all for Thursday Thoughts, and as always, I hope you learned something.

